Jörnträhus – let’s show who you are!

Jörnträhus is a genuine company with a long history. Jörnträ was founded already in 1932 and has since developed a local experience and knowledge in the processing and handling of wood products. Since the 1960’s timber has been produced and built with in Jörn, which means that you can feel confident choosing a house building kit from us.

Today’s company is owned by Contractor Bygg Holding Norr AB.

We are now a complete house company with a modern product range ranging from private customers’ vacation homes to corporate customers who employ our knowledge and production capacity in house construction.

Holiday homes in the premium segment

A continuous development work permeates the entire process, including raw material selection, product development, sales as well as production and service, today’s Jörnträhus is at the forefront of holiday homes in the premium segment.

The classic cross-joint timber house from Jörnträhus now also has a strong complement in block-built panel houses. With our ability to offer these two alternative building systems has helped to make us industry leaders for this type of business.

Unique and personal house models

Creating unique and personal house models is still our absolute specialty. The feeling of being able to develop their dream house together is fantastic and something that every homeowner should experience. The process of shaping their accommodation often reflects the owners’ character and interests, and usually a house becomes a significant portion of the owners’ identity.

Whether you want a smaller holiday home or maybe looking for a more representative accommodation, you can find standard models that can be used as a basis for your house in our house program.

is a keyword

Flexibility is a keyword for us and being able to help a future homeowner to realize his dream home is crucial to us.

Do you have any more thoughts about us as a company, you are welcome to contact us then we will gladly tell you more about us and our products.